Sunday, May 15, 2011

New to the blogging

I have taken the inspiration of blogging from my sister-in-law Tisha. I love hearing what my my cute niece and nephews have been up to. So I figure I would let the world in on our life... interesting or not, it's ours and we love it!!

So Maple leaf and I have been married for 3 years. For the first 7 months we lived in Canada, where it was freezing cold all the time! Now we live North Carolina and we are working our butts off to prepare for the future. I am going into my senior year of nursing school and it has completely consumed my life! But I have made some of the best friends that anyone could ask for. I work in an Intensive Care Nursery. I love it!! Maple leaf will be starting in a diesel mechanics program in august which is through Catapillar tractors. He is very excited. He can't wait to graduate so that he can start doing what he loves.

Our life is busy and sometimes we go days at a time without seeing each other, but we love it because we know all the hard work will be worth it.